Gmarket shopping: How to use cash balance?

Yay!! Rem I declared that BH and I can only buy clothes 4X a year? ( once every season.) heh.. it’s March!! The time of the year again! I can smell spring.. and oh.. I so love spring coz I can see the pretty pink cherry blossoms along the streets 🙂 It’s a pretty sight – somehow beautiful things always bring tears to the corner of my eyes as I don’t know how long it will last..

Oh well, put my emotions aside.. today, I am blogging about Gmarket again!! yayness!

If you are like me, you have alot of cash balance left in your Gmarket a/c and you wonder how you are gonna use it. Then read on!

Let’s start with the same mentality. Set this straight. Repeat after me ” It’s impossible to fully utilise every single penny in my Cash Balance”

[Background info. on Cash Balance]

1) It is not the same as Gcash.

2) Cash balance is the money which is credited to your Gmarket a/c because u paid too much shipping for your previous gmarket shopping

3) Cash balance also comes from gift certificates. For example, you were a Gmarket Top Blogger for a certain mth. You will be given a gift certificate which you confirm receipt and deposit into the cash balance.

[Ways to use Cash balance]

1) Accumulate until you have a HUGE sum then use it in 1 go in a single transaction (1 BIG order)

2) Use it in 2 transactions. Eg: 1 BIG order ( pay with Credit Card or Paypal) & 1 small order ( pay with cash balance) then combine international shipping ( under the ‘request’ section)


I went ahead to use Method 2 so that I can maximise my Cash Balance ( cum use my gift certifcate from Jan)  🙂

Misconception: I had 9 items in my cart. I thought I could pay partially using Credit card and cash balance. However, it doesn’t work this way.

What I did?
I spilt up my orders. With abt 60,000 won in my cash balance, I can only buy 2 items + shipping.

Here’s a sceenshot:

*IMPORTANT* Pls make sure that the amt of Cash balance you have covers the payment. In other words, Cash Balance have to be MORE than the Payment

Yes, so I did a bit of maths to count which items should I buy in order to maximise my Cash balance 🙂

Last but not least, Gmarket will prompt you to confirm your payment using Cash Balance. (payment value diff from printscreen above.. heh.. I changed my items)

[Can I still buy when my Cash balance is LESS than my payment?]

Yes! You certainly can! However, take note of what I highlighted in the red box. You will need to deposit $ in your cash balance before the payment due date ( not sure how many days as I have not tried it)

[How can I deposit $ in cash balance?]

You need a korean bank a/c or get someone to buy you a gift certificate so that you can deposit into your cash balance.

[ Can I buy a gift certificate myself and deposit into my cash balance?]

Great minds think alike! I wondered about that too! heh.. I don’t have a Korea bank a/c so I can’t even buy myself a gift certificate!


Yups.. so I hope this entry helps you on how to use your Cash Balance 🙂 Pls feel free to share your thoughts by dropping me a comment!

Gmarket: Researching on what to buy

I spend at least 5 hours researching on what to buy on Gmarket before purchasing.. heh..

so this is what happens..

I will ususally practise my Korean handwritting, jotting down and saving pics of what I like..

After looking at so many Korean models…

I am so convinced that since I can’t get the REAL thing for now… I shall settle for this …

BH was horrified ” ARE YOU SURE YOU WILL BRING IT OUT? ” I was like “Why not??” haha.. we’ll see how.. anyway, I bought it with my gift certificate 🙂

Then I short listed all these things to buy… haha

1) I love this look. The blazer jacket is soooooooo IN now! haha..

2) Love this lace collar!

3) This dress is soooooo cute! BH was like ” u are no longer a little girl!” BUT i like!!!

4) Love the sleeves!!

5) this dress has pockets!! I love dresses with pockets!!

6) the collar is soooooooooo unique!!

keke.. that’s all.. NOW…what should I not buy??? :p

Pictures from Gmarkets Shops I love:




Great deals come in BIG packages!

what we love here… BIG things with small prices 🙂

These came in the mail today!

Kitchenaid Pro 600 stand mixer ( yay!! Got my mixer BUT it’s too big!!! sad..)

Cannon PIXMA MX330 printer

Be my cupcake!

This year’s Vday was a super unromantic and simple one…no flowers.. no eating out…  so we didn’t have any plans… Just tt I told BH that i wanted cupcakes and suggested that he ordered from Cupcakes Royale

So we collected the cupcakes from the store and bought an extra box for Keying and hubby – Hope they like it as much as we did? 8)

We also ordered their Lethal cupcake – Deathcakes. Chocolate in this cake is sooooo rich and yummy… thinking abt it makes me drool!! heh..

Then we went to the outlets. Heng ah.. i spotted a pair of really pretty Kate Spade earrings! haha.. else I won’t have any Vday gift can! hehehe…

Dinner was Herbal Chicken We co-cook this. Though it’s nothing fancy,we enjoyed our dinner! 🙂

Vday – it’s just like any other day…

Coach new poppy collection is …

OMG – disgustingly CUTE!!!

Coach seriously knows how to captivate the young hearts and minds.. haha.. I am not exactly young but i’m young at heart.. hehehe… so..

I am seriously waiting for the VIP discount to lay my hands on 1 of the wristlet.. heh…


Stand mixer

so.. I am currently looking for a Stand Mixer.. I’m kinda horrified by how expensive these stand mixers are.. geez.. it’s like the cost of a Coach bag!!

anyhow, I do have a hand mixer.. but the hand mixer I have is soooooo lousy – the low speed is not low at all, the batter splatters all over the place… yes!! it’s disgusting and I got to clean like siao each time i bake.. erm.. maybe I shan’t complain so much as it only cost US$14? A good stand mixer cost at least 10 times of what I paid last time!!

Having a stand mixer means u can do alot of things at 1 go also – like u don’t need to hold onto the mixer and put in the ingredients? heh… sometimes, BH will be ‘forced’ to b my stand mixer .. but it’s the splattering part tt irritates me

I seriously NEED a stand mixer – I am trying to abstain from the cheapest I can find as i don’t wanna regret again!!! ok.. so the cheap mixers have a attached bowl which is too shallow ( batter will splash again) When can I find the perfect one?

Criteria for stand mixer:
– comes with splash guard
– mixer is removable
– easy to keep
– under US$100

* I don’t mind a 2nd hand one 🙂

I am lusting for this…

Hoping to win the bid at ebay! or get it as Vday gift? wahaha

A very rough Gmarket shopping guide

Hihi, if you googled on Gmarket and found me.. thanks for visiting my blog 🙂

Right, I have received a no. of comments and emails on Gmarket. Just for in case, you do not know.. Gmarket is Korean version of ebay! heh.. found out nt long ago..

Disclaimer: I am not a korean expert.. I do not understand, write or speak the language.. so what i’m sharing here is purely by experience! If you know something new , pls add a comment ya.. It will be useful for others in future!

Q1: How does Gstamps look like?

ehh…they are just words? Log into you a/c to see it.. Below is a print screen of my gstamps… I have 12 stamps, it cld have been more!! I was trying to get more discount by ‘drawing’ for the discount coupon but i didn’t get the coupon and I wasted my stamps


Q2: Where’s the discount button?

 View print screen.. Some times they have it, some times they don’t


Q3: How to use Gstamps?



That’s all.. 🙂 Do drop a comment if you have more questions!

For any reason, you wanna use my pics in your blog > pls respect my blog and credit me alright… thanks!

Gmarket loot!

Bh and I are on a Walmart motto “Save money. Live better” So.. we kinda decided amg ourselves that we will only buy clothes 4 times a year ( winter, summer, autumn, spring)! yupz.. so my previous Gmarket loot was for summer… this spree which I organised for Bh and I is for winter!

Date ordered: 31 Oct 2009
Date arrived: 7 nov 2009

So fast can! 🙂 Buying winter stuff on Gmarket is cheap, nice, unique! haha.. no fear walking into XXX shop fearing tt you are wearing the same clothes as the mannequin! haha… we are super vain la..

Here’s some of our buys..

Matching baseball sweaters.. now we won’t gt lost! haha

Girly boots!!! with pretty ribbons! very comfy! I threw my previous boots away alr.. the fake leather was peeling…

and also… BH’s woolen jacket! awww… isn’t he such a Goo Jun Pyo?? haha

and BH was like ” I got spree request!! Gmarket pls!!” heh… well.. next year!

Chanel vs Kate Spade

Today, I met BH downtown for lunch then headed to his office for a FREE flu jab. The health benefit is good here! BH have free flu jab and his spouse too! heh.. so we had lunch at Westlake Centre Food Court ( the ONLY foodcourt downtown far as i know.. price not cheap.. might as well go to a sit in resturant.. u get the picture)

We walked to BH’s office after that. After the jab (which made my shoulder ache like siao now) and with FREE starbucks coffee in hand, i walked to downtown again.. Did u watch Sex & the City? the episode that Carrie went to Paris with a french artist? The artist was very bz at work.. so carrie was left alone to explore Paris. On most weekdays, I’m like Carrie.. haha..

So I went window shopping! I wanted to check out the Kate Spade’s Chanel look-alike bag , brought to my attention by Evelyn..

At Nordstrom and i saw this:Kate spade Gold Coast Maryanne

It’s so Chanel!! I tried it on (Quilted Poppy Fields Maryanne ) .. keke.. nice?? my new lust! To think of it, this bag is kinda too big for me.. I don’t carry such large bags anyway.. haha.. nvtheless, IF it goes i sale.. i might buy… 😀

Compare the above Kate Spade bags with Chanel below:



Spot the similarities??

Haha… then I went to Coach… I so needed to try on Hailey Crossbody!! love how versatile it is.. can be hobo, can be slingbag! so cool!!

So my trip ended with a trip to the library and a trip to Macy’s.. and i didn’t buy a thing! 🙂 So proud of myself!!

bitten by the shopping bug!

Last night, BH was surfing the web while I was watching my fave show for now – Cake Boss

[SIDETRACK] I seriously have not felt so relaxed in my life before.. to sit down and watch TV without worrying that I have not done this or that… geez… it took me so many years to find out that TV shows can be so addictive… I thank God for giving me this opportunity to relax and just relax 🙂

I was telling BH that I need to buy somemore baking stuff to try out what I see on the show.. keke.. so BH suddenly suggested ” Hey!! Let’s go Northgate Mall now! I bring you go buy!” I was like “Huh? U serious???” haha.. but i was quite happy by his enthusiasm!

So we both got changed…. and went to Northgate Mall , about 15mins drive away from our home!

So we ‘chop chop’ split up and do shopping…While I was at Ross, BH was at Target. I bought the baking stuff I needed while BH bought a brand new Nikon DSLR for US$350! :O


I knew it! He wanna buy his new ‘toy’! (Btw, we returned the Canon DSLR last weekend) heh… since when BH will be sooo nice to suddenly out of the blue suggest a shopping trip!

Anyway, I kinda like such spontaneous shopping trip! haha… I can never be like this in SG 🙂