I told u so!

geez.. BH is nt feeling well.. he’s down with flu! see see!! i told u so!!! luckily, i told a flu jab and bought flu medicine from my doctor before coming.. in the end, BH took my medicine and is resting now… well… being such a sweet and dedicated wife..i cooked porridge for him and gave him 1 day sick leave.. with my BIG and GENEROUS heart… I pardoned him for not doing his ‘chores’ TODAY haha..

so how did BH caught a flu? last night, something exciting happened at our apartment.. at ard 8pm, BH and I were debating who shld go and bathe first.. b4 we cld come to a conclusion… there’s was a loud screeching, annoying siren in our apartment… my first reaction was to look at Jessica, don’t ask me y.. haha.. i was afraid the lights on Jessica would short-circuit and cause fire.. haha.. then the sound seem to come from the laundry rm (weird coz we r nt washing any clothes).. so we opened the door and saw pple evacuating from their apartments… so we quickly took our jackets… and i took my ever ready emergency bag = our passports and cash then went to assemble outside the apartment.. which was FREEZING cold!!! man!!! it was interesting to see how our neighbors seized the opportunities to take photos of the ‘fire’ and the fire engine… hahaha… shortly after, the firemen came… checked and there was nothing… so… after a cold and painful 20mins, we could go up to our apartment… i guess.. that’s when he caught a cold…

conclusion: Living in the US is sooooooo filled with uncertainties… Singapore is definitely safer! haha

anyway, i’m sick too 🙁 I am soooooooooo sick and tired of snow!!!! argh… snow is no fun at all!!! really hope tt we could drive out tomorrow… coz I HAD RAN OUT OF THINGS TO COOK!!!! and there’s lots of sales going on!!!! believe it or nt.. i still have nt gone to Seattle’s factory Outlet stores!!! 🙁 BH better recover soon!!!

o.. and i opened my x’mas present from BH.. received an American Eagle cardigan.. Bh was delighted to receive a Celio sweater which i bought from sg.. haha…

Happy Boxing day to all!!

Merrrrrry Kiss-Moooseeeeee!

BH and I took a short trip to vegas on the 20Dec-23Dec.. Prior to our departure date, there were many reports on snow storms and cancellation of flights… I left for the trip with an extremely heavy heart… coz.. i knew that we would be ‘staying’ in the airport for sometime… oh well, BH thought that i was being paranoid again..haha..but it turned out that i was right!

so.. Bh’s friend, Julius drove us to the airport.. even on his 4-wheels drive car, we could feel a ‘skid’ on the road.. super dangerous to drive… it was very sweet of him to risk his life for us! haha …anyway, we reached the airport way b4 time… it was kinda crowded.. coz there were ‘stranded’ passengers from other flights which was cancelled… anyhow, we got to our gate and the flight was badly delayed..with at least 5 gate changes in a span of 2hours? the weather was very bad… the wind was strong… snow was heavy… runway was covered with snow and melted to ice… BUT we still boarded the plane… set down comfortably… then the pilot announced… “Flight Cancelled” We alighted the plane and became one of those ‘stranded’ passengers…

hmmm… we couldnt change our flight as we bought the package (include hotel) at a cheap rate.. changing would incur more cost… we couldn’t go home as the weather was so bad that it’s nt safe to drive… soooooooo…. we tried to ‘rebook’ ourselves on another flight BUT all flights were fully booked… we can only get seats on the 22Dec! we had no choice but to take the risk… so… we put ourselves on standby for the next day 6am flight… we were no. 23-24 on the list of abt 40 pple… i was feeling quite hopeless already..

the next day came slowly.. and we were very tired.. with no proper sleep… however, the weather in seattle was still quite bad… so… many pple didnt turn up for the 6am flight! hahaha…. we got on the flight but seats were separated (nvm.. we juz took it) .. and we finally flew to our destination! (pls get a window seat when flying to vegas.. the view is spectacular! i didnt have a window seat But i sat beside a very nice lady who shared the window with me)

it was only a 2hr flight to vegas.. but this trip took us 17hrs! man… finally reached vegas, took a cab, which was quite cheap (paid 16USD, including tips) ,checked into hotel, washed up and went for a so called ‘pretty good buffet’ at Bellogio ( the Q was super long… nearly died of hunger!) .. buffet was so-so only.. dunno y reviews were soooooooo good…

after we replenished our energy, went for photo-taking around the hotels and casinos.. watched abit of the bellogio musical fountain then went to try our luck at Wynn… which ate up most of our money… oh well…

the next day, we went for the Las Vegas factory outlets… alot of things to buy… spent more money… haha… pple were shopping like it’s free esp. at Coach… but.. i don’t really like anything… hmmm… the only thing i really want was a pair of UGG boots (everyone is wearing them!!!)

well.. UGG boots are really costly too , 130USD a pair… so.. i gt to settle for imitation 🙁 went to Aldo and bought a similar looking one… haha… you can see it on the Vegas picture gallery below..

after the tiring shopping at the factory outlet ( actually, seattle also have factory outlet what!) we went back to the hotel.. put down our stuff.. and head to Mandalay Bay for MamaMia! wow… we bought the tickets cheap at this booth known as ‘Tix4tonight’ .. better to buy at this booth than online coz you will nv know what will happen to ur flight and it’s cheaper! the seats we got were very good.. the musical was nice as i could sing along with the songs! very glad that i watched the movie 3X and i managed to watch the real musical! however, i must comment that the vocals are nt as gd as i expect 🙁 would definitely wanna watch MamaMia at New York Broadway!

actually, BH and I toyed with the thought of forgoing out flight back to seattle on the 23dec.. and buy another flight back on the 27dec.. however, we realised that it’s better to spend the money on shopping than to extend the trip… haha..

we would most likely go to Vegas again.. the next time, we hope to go in summer so that we could see the Grand Canyon and the Hoover Dams! ;p

Heavy Snow!

wah…woke up today.. looked out of the window and saw a thick layer of snow!! it’s a pretty sight but worrying as well… hmmm.. snow=cannot drive (we do not have a 4 wheel drive)..to top it up, the city has alot of hills.. imagine… snow and hills don’t go together… according to news, it’s 6inches thick at Redmond (where microsoft is).. nah.. BH’s office is at Seattle.. which is snowing heavily too!!!

haha… so BH is unable to go to work and he’s working from home.. yeah! i’ve gt company today! hee.. and we’re going to check out the park during lunch.. maybe make a snow man or something.. hehe…

one more thing.. the electricity may go out later… so i think i don’t even need to cook lor coz we are using electric stove here..

happy news to share.. we finally found the apartment we want! yeah.. after viewing like 15 apartments.. we found it!!! it’s at Seattle, extremely near the space needle, brand new and it’s a loft!!! Loft = an apartment where there’s 2 levels, upstairs is the bedrm, downstairs is the kitchen and living rm.. hahaha.. it’s damn cool!!! we don’t see this in Singapore.. and to top it up, the roof deck has a spectacular seaview!!! so… we r v excited to move in!!! hehe.. probably move after x’mas!

oh.. and we r going to Las Vegas this saturday and will return next tuesday! hahaha.. staying at MGM Grand and we r gonna strike it big again!!!(yeah right) hahahaha… wish us luck! ;p

X’mas tree

BH drove us to an Asian Supermarket – “Great Wall Shopping Village” at Renton yesterday… wah.. things are way cheaper than Bellevue and there are more asian food and vege to buy! ;p we managed to get the Jasmine rice as well!

After which, we also went to Walmart where we bought rubber mats for the car and xmas deco!! hehe… came back and bought the real x’mas tree from the supermarket beneath our apartment ( for convenience sake)

while i prepare meatball spaggetti for dinner.. BH fix the tree up! not an ez task!! after dinner, we deco the tree! What can i say? it’s a wonderful weekend! 🙂

before we deco the tree!
before we deco the tree!
after we deco the tree! so pretty isn't it! :)
after we deco the tree! so pretty!

Last but not least… our car, Blackie!! 🙂

It’s a Black Honda Fit

ooo-rdinary day

(Go to Bounceeverywhere.com to hear the song! it’s an advertisement here!)

I fall asleep to,
your serenade.
I wake up to,
your saving grace.

I see the sun beam the perfect ray,
I wanna send out a gazillion bouquet.
I hear the chords that resonate,
It’s just another,
oh oh, oh ordinary day.
aoooh, aoooh

I look from your eyes,
down to your lips.
I feel it from my toes down to my fingertips.

I see the clouds shake,
A sweet aray
It’s just another,
oh oh, oh ordinary day.
aoooh, aoooh, aoooh, aoooh

On sunday afternoon we wake up,
to find that snow has fallen down down

We should put our winter clothes on,
and go walking ’round.

And we can sit there,
beside the hills.
Maybe we’ll notice that the world is standing still.
Some things may go and,
some stay the same.
in just another
oh oh, oh ordinary day.
oh, oh, oh ordinary day
oh, oh, oh ordinary day
oh, oh, oh ordinary day
oh, oh, oh ordinary day


i love the song and i feel like this everyday! haha… except tt weekend is coming and i feel so excited to go on an excursion with our new car!!! Blackie! ;p No pic yet.. will take later!

anyway, i cooked chicken curry last night and we ate with rice and bread.. yummy i must say… and i am such a good cook (when i’m not working).. hehe

Top: Curry in a pot

Bottom: Curry in bowl ( added coriander leaves for colour)

Not bad right! 🙂 and i also enjoy the smell of the clothes after wash… so satisfying to smell them on BH.. and to see the well-ironed clothes on him! hehe.. i’m loving it! can i don’t work? i rather give my love to 1person than to 40 monsters 🙁 or can i don’t further my studies… i don’t wanna write essays or do projects…

haha.. i wonder how long and i ‘tahan’ this nothing to do life! waking up and realising that i’ve gt no work! no deadlines! and no friends or sister or mother near me 🙁

but life’s still good with online……Screen (not window) shopping!

My day in Seattle

wondering what my day in Seattle is like?


7.00 am – alarm rings, Snooze once

7.15 am – alarm rings. Snooze twice

7.30 am – Wake up!

7.45 am – Make coffee and breakfast while BH gets ready for work

8.00 am – We eat breakfast + wash dishes + decide on what to eat for dinner

9.00 am – BH leaves for work

9.30 am – BH call to say he reach work safely. I’ll have a peace of mind to do other misc things

9.30 am to 12. 30 am: Bathe, wash clothes, dry clothes, iron clothes, make bed*

12.30 am – Lunch for me

1.00 pm – surf ard. Talk online

5.00 pm – start to prepare ingredients to cook

6.30 pm – BH calls to say he is on his way home. I will start to cook

7.00 pm – BH is home. He will wash up while i prepare to start dinner

7.30 pm – Dinner time

8.00 pm – BH wash the dishes , kitchen sink, cloths while it’s my bathing time

9.00 pm – Watch TV, surf online

10.00 pm – Sleep Time!

*Not everyday do housework… i’ll walk ard the neighbourhood

and then the cycle continues…

Does my schedule sound boring? haha.. But i’m happy! i didn’t know tt i’ll feel this way… at least i don’t have to go to sleep feeling anxious about school, go to bed feel angry and worried for the kids… we make decisions on our own and we can do everything we like! wow! Our lives together just begin on the 29 Nov 2008! 🙂 NOT on 6eptember!

on top of that, i feel that i am quite a good cook! hey! my home econs get A one leh! tt’s y BH is a lucky man with a pretty wife who’ve brains and can cook and do hsework! hee…

was surfing ard and i saw The Art Institute of Seattle… thinking of doing a Diploma on Residental Design… however, i wonder if it’s recognised in sg… well.. shall look ard more..

anyway, the weather is super dry here and most of my cosmetics are in the sea shipment! and i can’t get any familar brands here 🙁 so.. abit afraid to go out… scared my skin peel la… haha… damn vain right… now i’ve gt no toner, no collagen to drink… man… my skin is so gonna die…i have been putting alot of moisturizer… hope the moisturizer is enuff to last me till the shipment comes man….

i found a backup US brand – Clinique.. wonder if it’s good… anyone uses this brand? share k… will most likely get this brand online… it’s cheap here!

(btw.. online shopping is super ‘in’ here.. everything is ebay and paypal and whatever website.. BH is like addicted to shopping man! he needs to shop online everyday!!!)

i’m hungry… shall eat some thing 1st then snap some pictures of the neighbourhood …

sleepy sun

Hi all,

I had arrived in Seattle safely.. in fact, i arrived 1/2 hour earlier than expected.. I was worried that BH won’t be there yet BUT i was wrong.. haha…and BH’s driving improved… i am thinking of not converting my license to avoid giving too much comments when BH drives.. haha.. ignorant is bliss! i like it this way!

People here have been really friendly… like.. they volunteer to take a photo of us while we were window shopping along the streets of Bellevue..

to me.. things here r really expensive.. (maybe coz i haf no income now..) 🙁 and the pple here wakes up real late .. even the sun is sleepy.. haha.. 8am at town area = no cars=no pple=no sun…

and i cooked dinner and breakfast… decent meals ok! haha… i think i can cook well… thanks to my mum’s instant helpline!

i think i’ll be blogging elsewhere… not comfy with too many pple reading here..

will be going car-shopping later.. take care all! (it’s sunday today!)

there’s more than one side to a picture

it’s my first post here…well.. only next week till in join BH in seattle… you think i’m happy? hmm… i do see many envious faces around…but it’s nothing to be envious about…

i can so predict my life in seattle… boring.. lonely… scared… i’ll probably become a full-time maid (even if i were to further my studies).. BH is probably gonna work late… and i’ll be cold and lonely… i can imagine myself feeling sad and miserable without any family warmth… i can feel the sadness and coldness as i am typing this…

Despite talking abt our priorities,BH will never keep to his promise… i can imagine us having arguments about his working schedule… if there’s a reason for our marriage to fail, it’s because of him being unable to balance his work and me..

don’t ask me abt having kids…at this pt, i feel that our r/s is not that stable to have kids… we have too many 3rd parties now.. they are interfering in our lives… having children is definitely be a no-no… i am still disturbed by some pple i saw at dinner..

it’s as though i wanna forget what happened on 6eptember… i wanna sell or give away (if nobody wanna buy) my evening gown… pls feel free to leave a msg if interested