#10a Installation of toilet doors and yard windows

Bi-fold door for common toilet

Master bedroom bi-fold door

Service yard windows

Overall, I am quite pleased with the doors and windows. I was afraid that the bi-fold doors will be out of place in the walkway BUT it turned out fine! The installer was very patient with me or rather my dad, the bi-fold at master bedroom was not very well done BUT he redid it twice to mk sure that it’s PERFECT!

Besides that, they also applied for windows installation permit – which i totally forgot to ask them about! hah.. only got the permit in the letter box on the day they intend to install.

I admit that they are not the cheapest pple to get for the installation. However, looking at the work they had done, I think it’s worth it!

#12 Citygas

For records, CITYGAS is different from SP (Singapore power)

Right after I bought the instant heater, my dear sis chitchat with her collegue and found out that CITYGAS WATER HEATER is only $168 and there’s FREE installation. At that point, I regretted my purchase of the instant heater. I asked the SP person about the CITYGAS heater ysterday and realised that the FREE INSTALLATION is only mounting the equipment on the wall of the service yard. The plumbing part ( 2 pipes to connect hot/cold water) needs to be done by a plumber!

I told my contractor about this and he explained the whole process to me. He even suggested how to tell the Citygas pple to run the pipes. The est. cost of plumbing for the Citygas water heater is about $350!!! wow! so expensive! The reason is because the distance from the service yard to the toilets is quite far, so the pipes need to be long. Besides that, drilling will be needed. Gasps! So, I didn’t quite believe that it’s so expensive, I called another seperate plumber and ask him for quotes. This other person quoted $400-500!!!! Price is even higher..

Fine.. I will just go with instant water heater. Installation cost is at most $50!!! (most quoted me $40)

To make sure that I am making a good decision, I called CITYGAS and enquire about their heaters. I was surprised that the customer service officer is sooooooooooo polite and patient to explain everything to me in details!!! Thumbs up for customer service! Finally, SG is catching up with good customer service. It’s interesting that she even advise me to think through properly before making an implusive choice to choose Citygas heaters! Anyway, I wanted to call to make appointment for Citygas gas installation BUT she advise me to look for my stove first ( decide on whether the connection is left/right, measurements 2.5ft/3ft) then mk the apointment

I haven’t bought the stove yet… hmmm…. not sure if I shld buy the items myself or go shopping with the contractor and buy together with him

Blessed are those who have your other halves with you when doing reno 🙁 I think I’m just gonna miss a chance of my life… not sure if we will even have a chance to really mk a nice home – everything for this flat is not what I want it to be…


I think things with regards to the reno is going on too slowly .. sigh… I have no idea how to speed things up

I also don’t like LDR esp when BH doesn’t even bother take the initiative to email/call me – he probably don’t care about me BUT i feel sad because I care about him

I can’t wait for time to fly faster. I can’t imagine myself coming back to SG to work and he’s not contacting me when he’s there

Then again.. why do i wanna waste my time and energy thinking about someone who doesn’t give a damn about me or the flat 🙁

“Don’t stop believing, hold on to the feeling…”

From time to time, I have this sick feeling that BH is gonna leave me behind and not come back for me 🙁 I know… it’s my insecurities acting up… sigh… i know he is not likely to find another girl… haha… the only other person/thing he will marry is ‘WORK’ I can’t help it but to feel this way.. If only I’m a guy? Then such feelings will not exist!

Maybe I should start counting down…it’s June already, means BH will be here next month! Only 47 days more…… and reno… haven’t even started!!!! *shiver* Prays hard it will complete in time!

#11 Decided on contractor!

The process of researching and selecting a contractor/ID is long and tedious. Though the renovation that we want to do is considered small scale, looking for the correct person require lots of hard work. Oh yes, you can’t choose someone based on the CHEAPEST quote.. you also won’t wanna pay someone with high quote. In all, it’s just complicated.

After a short discussion (surprisingly!) with BH, we decided to go with contractor A , a friend’s friend. The weird thing is I kinda know that I want him to do our reno after I told him about our design and all. He seem like a nice and easy going guy. Well, I felt comfortable that he is also my friend’s good friend. He was also willing to help out with some minor installation w/o charging, unlike other contractors/ID

ok fine, he was pleasant looking too! *gasp* that’s not the point. However, I got to admit that NOT everything in his quote is the cheapest. BH and I decided to compromise. I mean.. you can’t expect everything to be rock bottom low price, you win some, you lose some. Our mentality is, as long as the quote is within budget and he could complete it within the timeframe.. it’s good!

Have you ever felt like u made a good decision and nothing will change your mind? haha.. that’s how I feel about contractor A! I was very upset and disturbed that he took a long time ( longer than other contractors) to send me his quote. However, that’s when I realised that the impt of ‘save the best for last’. How true!

I haven’t sign on the dotted line of the contract or paid any deposit as he will need to remove some items which we decided not to do anymore

Date to take measurements: June 7

I really hope everything will come into place from now onwards. Phew! i feel a rock out of my chest now… at least when my parents or parents-in-law ask me if I started reno, I have something to say.

Next week is gonna be busy…Wish me good luck!

#10 toilet doorsX2 + sliding windows for service yard

Total: $1190

Installation date: 9 June

Company: Kau Sheng Aluminium Interior Design Pte. Ltd

sigh…. not the best… long story 🙁 My dad insisted on getting this contractor which he saw from a flyer. We met him at our flat. His flyer advertised that the cost of 1 door is $150 BUT in the end, he measured our doors and say that ours is the BIGGER one, so the cost will be $350 w installation blah blah! I didn’t mk the bedroom doors with him as I think Yontat is so much better and nicer

In the end, because we felt obliged, we made the sliding windows for the yard ( 4 panels): $650 + 2 bathroom folding doors. suspended type (no thread below): $270 X 2

1) Realised tt we might need to change an electrical pt in the kitchen because it will be blocked by the sliding door 🙁
2) I also kinda regretted making those aluminium toilet door – I think it will look weird. Thinking of making 1 of those in the masterbedrm will do, not sure if I can cancel order of 1 door

It’s getting difficult to balance family and reno 🙁 I know my dad meant well..and I don’t want to disrespect or disobey him. I am just caught in between

#8 Lights + Ceiling fan w lights + Instant Heater

Champ Jolly electric Heater
Amasco Ceiling fan with retractable blades and lights

When closed ….it looks like a ceiling light

When fan is closed....

When opened.. it’s a fan!

Exactly what I was looking for!! Super happy!! Not the nicest BUT at least it still looks alright…. hehe… NO NEED TO MAKE FALSE CEILING!!! YES!!!

3 Bedroom lights
2 toilet lights
1 bombshelter light
1 service yard light
2 kitchen light ( there’s 2 electrical pts in kitchen)

1 walkway light

1 dining area light


Nothing special about the lights we bought BUT we just want it simple and minimal. In other words, we r trying to recreate our SG home to be kinda like our US apartment. haha… I have no idea why… BUT we just like it… simple.. and yet slick..

Total damage: $1288 ( Free installation and delivery)
Installation date: June 22
Location: Bright House Lighting Pte Ltd @ newly open branch, Midview city

Special thanks to my sis for mking a LONG distance call to BH to get him to check his emails and texts, my dad for chauffering me around to looks for these items and my mum for her valueable suggestions

#7 Aircon

Ok. I made the first ever pruchase for our flat – the aircon

Purchased a Sanyo System 3 ( non-inverter) from Gain City. It has 3 ticks, shld be better among the non-inverters

Total damage: $2059

Date of installation: 13 June


At least I have 1 thing off my list. Doing the reno in a LDR is very difficult, it also doesn’t help when we are in different timezone. In the end, my dad makes all the decisions for us 🙁

I am excited BUT I know BH doesn’t feel the joy with me… I can send him a very long email and all I get in return is as long as 1 sentence = 5 words or at most 10 words. Talking online via skype/webcam is v hard too as BH works long hrs and I believe he is doing his own things when I’m not ard. I only spoke to him less than 5 times on skype since I’m here. At times, it just feel like our marriage is failing apart due to lack of communication. Sigh… I really don’t know how are we gonna work things out IF I were to be back in SG for work 🙁

I see how couples shop together for their new home.. and it upsets me that BH is not even interested 🙁 Above all, I wanna thank my little sis and my dad for shopping with me today.

#6 Renotalk t-blog

Today, I finally started our very own t-blog on renotalk. Well, that’s something BH and I had always wanted to do! Believe it or nt BUT we joined the forum all the way back in 2006 ( shown on our profile page) WOW!! This means we have been silient readers of this renovation forum for over 5 years!!! I don’t know why.. but i just felt like telling the whole world how happy I am that I am doing this renovation. THIS IS SOMETHING I WANTED FOR A VERY LONG TIME 🙂 Due to budget and our work schedule, we may not enjoy the place for a long while BUT by doing this renovation I feel like I am granting myself a BIG wish!

My t-blog on renotalk: http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=41004 Join me in the journey if u have a login too!

Searching for IDs/contractors is exhausting. Talking and discussing with BH is even more exhausting as we need to arrange a good timing to iron out these loose ends.

However, I’m happy to announce that we are down to the last 2 candidates. We are waiting for quotes BUT I believe we had found our ‘AHA’ contractor 🙂 You know when u found the right person…. to do the reno.. haha… Everything about the ‘plan’ seems so right…

Aha…. can’t wait…