Gmarket shopping!

Rem I was fretting over shoes and how I can’t find what i want? haha… i actually wanted to join some sg sprees to get them BUT the shipping cost was just too high… sooo… I asked Liting (korean guru!)  for some suggestions and she intro me to Gmarket!! a wonderland for shopping I wld say! heh

Today, I spent the whole day trying to figure out how to shop at Gmarket… gee… it’s kinda confusing with all the stamps, option price, discounts and even mileage.So I read the info and how it worked… have been doing so far like the past few days… and FINALLY.. i made the purchase today.. phew…

Some things to note about Gmarket

1) Stamps/mileage are just like some ‘discounts’ for future usage.

2) The lowest price stated on the website is for SOME items only. Other items ( most of the time the nicer ones) are more ex, so the top-up price = ‘option price’

3) VERY IMPT! Rem to click the discount button if the shop has one! no click no discount! the discount is instant

4) Save more $$ by looking for a shop with FREE LOCAL SHIPPING ( Free shipping to the korea warehse)

5) Get ready pen and paper for shopping on Gmarket. Write down the item no. , item name ( in korean) and colour! So that you can put it in the cart. Yes! It’s like playing matching game for me

6) Finally, to double confirm if your matching skills is good… check using Google Translator. Just copy and paste the item, then google translates into English ( not accurate all the time BUT at least u sorta know what you bought)!

For payment, I used paypal > to ‘escape’ the international transaction fee. I really hope it works this way

As I’m still very much a noob for Gmarket, I am not sure how long the parcel will take to reach me or how much more they will charge me for international shipping. I’m keeping my fingers cross tt it will not be too much?? well, I will update on this when I gt more info.. heh

Total damage for 1st Gmarket shipping (includes domestic + international shipping): US$115

Total no. of items: 8 ( 2 pairs of shoes, 1 dress, 2 skirts, 2 tops, 1 belt)

Wanna see the pics?? Here goes!!

Bought my shoes from this shop – love it!! They sell pretty shoes – some have designs which are similar to the real designer shoes!! how cool is it!! 🙂 Now i hope the shoe size is correct!

real vanessa

Above shows the real one – dunno who Vanessa Bruno is… BUT below is a pic of a similar one I bought


Other misc. stuff 🙂


new dress

no clothes


Planning my next purchase.. hehehe…

oxford heels


But got to get my shoe size right 1st!!

30 Replies to “Gmarket shopping!”

  1. Hi, I randomly came across your blog while trying to find out more info about GMarket.. and..
    don’t they still have steep shipping prices? I was excited because it said free shipping at first, but I realized that may just be from the shipper TO the gm place?
    And then it seems that GM charges us their own shipping price? Could you confirm this.. I am so confused.. keke. thanks!

    btw- LOVE the shoes you bought! 😀

  2. Hi dearie,

    Welcome to my blog! heh.. ya.. FREE shippping only from the shipper to the gm warehouse

    Actually, the GM shipping price is via Korea Post .. so it’s Korea Postage charge.. I feel tt the price is reasonable – not very ex IF you ship in bulk 🙂

    Hope this helps!

  3. hi! im just wondering:
    1) what does the stamps look like? and how do you use it in the future?

    2) and where is this ‘discount button’? can you please printscreen the page and circle it, thanks.

  4. Hey Amanda,
    I’ve been looking around G Market too and things were going well until I saw the international shipping fee.=[ I’m wondering what you meant by dodging it with paypal??? thanks!

    1. Hi there,

      nah.. there’s no way for dodging the international shipping fee by paypal. What i meant was lowering the amt of transaction fee ( from the credit card/bank) by using paypal 🙂

  5. hi amanda..great tips!
    i was wondering when it states that international shipping is not available, does it mean tat they will not send it overseas? coz i notice the site u recommended says no intl shipping is available but u could still get it in the US..
    or does it mean u have to pay additional shipping chargeS??
    am so confused!!!
    thanks in advance!

    1. Hi dear,

      Thank you for dropping by my blog 🙂

      Yes – when international shipping is not available it means they will not ship overseas.

      ohh..which site is that? I get my items from Gmarket sites which ships overseas.

  6. Hi there! Great tips!! Thank u so much for clearing all these gmarket headaches for me! One question though, lets say if i buy in bulk of 30 – 50 items could you give me a rough estimate of how much they would charge on shipping? Thank you! Because i know they had always say is better to order in bulk but does the shipping increase too? Thanks there!

  7. Hi! Thanks for the tips. its really helpful!
    I’m just wondering, how much did u pay for the shipping? and how long did it take for the items to arrive? Also, do they charge u for the international fee at checkout of later on? Thanks!

    1. Hi Annie,

      Glad my tips were of help!
      I can’t rem how much is the shipping cost BUT it’s more economical if you buy more. Items only took 5 working days to arrive! From my experience, there’s no international fee charged

  8. How come is your order so cheap? I ordered only 4 items (1BB cream, 1 shoes, 2 jeans) and it costs me 137USD. 🙁
    Do you have another recommended link? I cannot open the one above.

  9. Hello there… I was wondering how much your things cost altogether and then the added shipping price… I just want to know that how much shipping cost… thanks.

    Can you possible answer me back by my email if possible?
    Thank you!

  10. Hello, found you through googling “how to shop in gmarket”. Haha, I’m doing exactly the same as you, ie., “drawing” out the korean name and matching it in the selection bar haha~ mine’s totaling to a whopping $200 @__@

    Thank you for the tips 🙂 found it to be quite useful!!

  11. hi, i really need ur help about gmarket…
    i am so confuse about the option price^^
    why is the price stated should be plus with the option price…
    so the price increase really high making it more expensive than shopping in myeongdong with the same item?
    please kindly answer my question by email ^^
    thanks ^^

  12. heyy i was trying to find out about g market and i find this page. wenevr i go choose an item to c how it looks, but its like a video, it shows different things to, can u explain how u kno which one is which?

  13. hi, i have place an order but its been a years and i really dont know why i couldnt pay them with my credit card either my paypal.. do you know how to resolve this? im truly look for it.. thanks^^

  14. Can i know how much is your actual weight / shipping fee for all of your products after they gave you your actual shipping fee , did it decrease ? Thanks a lot .

  15. Hi do you think this seller’s customer satisfaction rating is safe enough to buy from? A number of other sellers have far better ratings but this seller has some really nice items that I want. Screenshot of the seller’s rating – Thanks in advance!

    1. Hi Michael, I just saw your msg! Sorry! Have you bought your stuff? well.. it really depends on you – the customer satisfaction is usually very accurate

  16. @amanda Thanks for the reply! I just ordered, but decided to not buy from that seller. I guess it’s better to play safe.

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