
2015 had been a wonderful year! So many things to be thankful for and I feel very blessed!

I’m sad that 2015 ended..

I am pretty sure 2016 will be inferior compared to 2015.

So far….

1) Ringo is a wonderful puppy… except that he chewed on our TV remote, his raincoat and collar… what can you except from a growing pup right? Overall.. he’s a good boy.. Bing and I are still trying to train and socalise him as much as he can 🙂 I guess my biggest wish this year is for him to be healthy and happy… ohh… my wildest dream is for Ringo to be featured in Buzzfeed or even better…be in some pet product commercial 😀 It is really hard to go to work, knowing that Ringo is alone at home. We usually crate him but who likes to be in the crate?! I am actually thinking of not working and being at home… I really missed the times when I just stayed at home – I work because my job isn’t that bad really!! Having some kind of financial independence is really important to me..

2) Work for me have been great! My boss is wonderful…. the workload isn’t bad! My work hours are quite flexible. Honestly, I haven’t been very focused on work lately as I am always worried about Ringo 🙁 Maybe I should really quit.

3)New job?! Haha.. out of curiosity..I also tried to apply for new full time position… I went through 1 phone interview and will be having another next week… I am hoping that I will NOT get any offers for any positions. The interview part was just for exposure and knowing the salary scale. Accepting another new job will mean that Ringo will need to be in daycare! 🙁

I am really not expecting 2016 to be a wonderdul year… I have no idea why am i so pessimistic… I guess… all the wonderful things happened in 2015 already!!!

Till my next update!

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