Sad to say… almost 3 months of 2015 had passed and I have not started on most of my resolutions 🙁
1) go to work on time and leave work on time everyday
2) go to the gym or zumba at least 2 times a week
3) blog at least once a week
This is the first time I am blogging after January… Tragic.. I haven’t step foot into the gym… oh… don’t ask me if i managed to get off work on time…
BUT I am happy to announce that…I had finally passed my exam and I am a Registered Paraplanner! At least resolution No. 4 is done!
It had been a busy start of the year..spent time studying and accomplished some personal goals… I am feeling happy.. I wish I could blog more here but some things are not meant to be public… so.. I will be password protecting some entries from now on…
Till the next entry..
** NO.. I am NOT pregnant**