The Office

‘The Office’ is an American television series which BH loves a whole lot. I remember that he used to watch every episode when he was in SG. It was pure joy when we relocated to US – BH would not miss any of the episode. For me, I never really understood the humour in this series – it’s not funny to me. I watched it together with him anyway.

I remember the season when Michael Scott left – BH was very sad, he teared :O hahaha… I laughed at him! Then I realised that this series actually accompanied us thru’ adulthood ! It’s been 9 years!  I guess the humour grows on you. Not only that, I also felt that we watched the characters developed through the years.  Amazing.. how fast time had gone by! 9 years… 9 seasons.. that’s it?! Really?!  Both of us would watch ‘The Office’ every Thursday. Even when we can’t watch it, we will record it. I guess.. after tonight, we will be so bored on Thursdays :/

There’s alot of memorable episodes but this episode left the biggest impression on me. If you can watch the video, go to the last 3 mins. If you can’t.. u just got to read on…

Extract below taken from

As Jim was leaving the office to go back to Philly, he told Pam that he knew it was weird for them to be doing therapy but that he wanted to stick with it. She agreed, half-heartedly, and he exited. As he did, Pam noticed that he’d left his umbrella behind, and, being Pam, she grabbed it and ran after him, catching him just as he was about to take off in a cab. Exchanging a quick thanks, Pam started to walk away, but Jim stopped her…

…For a brief moment, Jim had trouble finding the words for what he wanted to say. “Sorry” clearly wouldn’t suffice, so instead he hugged her. Like, really hugged her. It was as if in that instant he remembered that he was once not Pam’s husband but a guy who had a crush on a girl who had a boyfriend.

It took Pam by surprise. And she didn’t hug back right away. Instead, we cut to a flashback to their wedding, where Jim’s brother (who presided over their wedding) read aloud, “Love suffers long and is kind — it is not proud. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. Love never fails and now these three remain: Faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” 

I felt that this scene is very heart-warming. Sometimes, couples do have their down times – you can’t imagine how much magic a big hug could do 🙂 Just like Jim and Pam, BH and I teared a little at the end of this episode – it was just really sweet. To top it off,  “Love never fails and now these three remain: Faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” is the verse we have on our wedding church booklet. BH turned to me excitedly when he heard the line “That’s the verse we used!!!” I know.. it’s such a common verse but brought good memories. Hearing this verse out of the blue reminds us about the essence of our relationship 🙂

On a lighter note, BH and I had also been using some of the silly phrases Jim and Pam learnt  in couples’ therapy. Some examples, “We appreciate that you appreciate that….” , call everything we don’t want to do ‘opportunities’

It was a good episode.. and a great season.. and a series which we will remember for a long long time…  59 reasons we’re going to miss the office sums up everything

At least there’s still Parks and Recreation + Modern Family + The Middle..

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