#16 Completed product!

haha.. ok.. I talked about the renovation process BUT I have yet to show the completed real product!

Here goes.. enjoy! 😀

Pardon the mess :X

Curtains my awesome mum made for the spare room 🙂

Total damage: 19K ( for everything including doors, reno, lights, furnitures, electronics)

I miss my home already…

PS: When I signed the contract with Mr T, I told him to give me a few planks of wood for shoes outside my unit. I called him after 2 weeks when I still didn’t see the wood. He assured me that he got it covered. My parents told me that he finally put up the planks of wood… and it was MORE than planks of wood.. he practically made a SHOES RACK!!! WAH.. I was super impressed!!! 🙂 I haven’t seen it BUT my parents were super hyped about it. It must be good! hehe… see… with Mr T, I can be sure that everything will be swee swee. Highly recommend Mr Toh of Chng Poh Guan ( EXCELLENT after-service!)

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