Motherhood is tough. Its only 2.5 weeks and I am counting down to the days baby leaves for college.
Here I am sitting in the nursery with Ringo by my feet, enjoying the quiet, peaceful moments before my baby wakes up from her short 2 hours or if i am lucky, 3 hours nap.
I wonder how am i going to get through the rest of the months, especially since my family will be miles away. Bing will be at work and i will likely be by myself. This makes me very anxious. Should i just quit my job?
January 22, 2018 is the day that made us parents. I experienced cramps around midnight and have bloody discharge – as though i was having my period. I ignored it and went to sleep, afterall, it was a week before the estimated due date. First baby usually comes late right?
I woke up in the morning and felt that the cramps did get alittle more intense. I panicked and quickly packed the hospital bag. I also finally cut off the tags on baby’s clothes and did the laundry. Very last minute i know. Nope, the cramps did not go away.
I told Bing about it and he decided to work from home that day. Pretty glad that he did – though i could tell that he was kinda annoyed, like it’s a bad timing. For the rest of the morning, I tried as much as possible to not think about the cramps. I did wall sits, called to confirm the cloth diaper service & made ‘padsicles’ for post partum use.
After lunch, I am still experiencing cramps. I figured since i can still talk and think, it is probably not time yet. Bing decided that we should start timing the cramps or i figured, the contractions.
The gyne office closes at 5pm. At about 3pm, Bing called the office and my doctor was able to see me right away. We just live 5 mins away from the hospital. So, we grabbed the bags and off we went.
The doctor checked me for dilation. I cried tears of relief when she told me i was 6cm, almost 7cm dilated! Gosh! I was stronger than i think i am. We checked in immediately. I can still walk, talk and was confident that I can do this.
The hospital room was big and it seem pretty quiet on a monday. I was relaxed. I remember changing into the hospital gown and watching Bachelor on TV. The doctor on call (Dr Hyde) came in to break my water bag. It was then when the contractions intensified. I practised my yoga breathing techniques (i think i sounded like a dog) and it did kind of help. However, I still asked for the epidural. I know i needed the strength and rest before the big push. I was shivering and feeling hungry (my last meal was 12.30pm!!).
The anesthesiologist came in promptly and i got the epidural. It was a HUGE relief. I got to 10cm dilated in about 3 hours. The doctor came to check on me and confirmed that it was time. I am scared. I prayed to God that it will be fast as I was so hungry – I am not sure if I can push for 2-3 hours.
At 10.30pm, we started pushing. I tried my best, listened to labor nurse’s cues. After about 2 huge pushes, she told me she see the baby’s head and she’s got hair. She wasted no time and called the doctor in. I know baby is coming! Dr Hyde came in within minutes and we started pushing with each contraction. He told me to reach down and touch my baby’s head. I hesitated as i found it disgusting but did it anyway. The feeling was amazing (silmy and bloody)! After about 2 more huge pushes, baby is out at 10.43pm! She let out a loud cry then proceeded to poop for the very first time! Phew! I was famished and thirsty. Glad it was over! Bing had the honor of cutting the umbilical cord.
I checked baby all over while doc is stitching me up. (2nd degree tear) I could see what he is doing on the reflection of his glasses but distracted myself and inspected my ‘product’ – Making sure baby have all 10 toes and fingers.

It was a tiring night but the start of a new adventure for us.
When things get hard, I will always remember the time when i reached down and touch her tiny, hairy, silmy head. God’s beautiful gift to us!
The nights are long but the days are short. How true….